Beta values of DJIA stocks
Beta is a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a stock in comparison to the market.
- A beta of 1 shows that the stock’s price moves with the market.
- A beta of less than 1 means that the stock is theoretically less volatile than the market.
- A beta of greater than 1 explains that the stock’s price is theoretically more volatile than the market.
Following table indicates the beta values of DJIA stocks.
Company | Beta |
3M | 1.06 |
American Express | 1.18 |
Apple | 1.37 |
Boeing | 1.38 |
Caterpillar | 1.28 |
Chevron | 1.2 |
Cisco | 1.23 |
Coca-Cola | 0.7 |
DuPont | |
Exxon Mobil | 0.82 |
General Electric | 0.95 |
Goldman Sachs | 1.33 |
Home Depot | 1.09 |
IBM | 0.93 |
Intel | 1.01 |
J&J | 0.8 |
JPMorgan | 1.2 |
McDonald’s | 0.62 |
Merck&Co | 0.8 |
Microsoft | 1.01 |
Nike | 0.66 |
Pfizer | 0.93 |
Procter&Gamble | 0.56 |
The Travelers | 1.2 |
United Technologies | 1.06 |
UnitedHealth | 0.74 |
Verizon | 0.54 |
Visa | 1.0 |
Wal-Mart Stores | 0.41 |
Walt Disney | 1.34 |